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Moinak Dutta

Poush and Magh

These two months are like happy twins.
If one would yawn,
The other would do the same;
They both love to wrap themselves in sweetness,
If Poush would take nolen gur
Magh would hanker after that too,
And they both love to cuddle up

Under a blanket with a storybook;
They both love to laze,
And go out too,
For a picnic or camping in the woods,
Their canebaskets filled with apples,
cucumbers, cheese balls and muffins;

Only the other year
Somewhere on the Belvedere Road
I stopped at a florist
And thinking of them both
Bought bouquets;
It might be a pure delight on my part
To carry home for them those flowers.

For they two keep so many like me
In Love with life and its varieties.

Poush Magh are two months in the Bengali calendar. During this time different festivals occur all over Bengal. More importantly in these two months, flowers and fruits fill up nature’s bounty.

Moinak is a teacher, poet, and fiction writer. He has two literary-romance novels to his credit. His third novel is forthcoming. He loves photography and travel.

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